How much bloating is normal?
Most of us have felt that bloated uncomfortable feeling at one time or another, especially after eating too big a meal, if you’ve eaten too quickly, or have had a lot of fizzy drink. But how much bloating is normal?
What if you feel bloated every day or after every meal? And you can’t work out why? This can be a sign of underlying digestive issues.
Common Reasons for Bloating
Bloating is a common symptom of an imbalanced gut microbiome or “dysbiosis”. A diet high in sugar, processed foods, a lack of sleep, little exercise and high stress has been directly linked to imbalance and lack of diversity in gut bacteria, which in turn can cause digestive distress. The naturally occurring microorganisms in your GI tract can also easily become unbalanced from antibiotic use or food poisoning. If you have other digestive issues in addition to bloating, like diarrhoea, gas or constipation, the underlying cause could be SIBO or “Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth” – this can be diagnosed with a simple breath test.
Food Sensitivities and Intolerances
Certain food sensitivities can cause bloating, the most common bloating foods are dairy, gluten, sugary, salty and fatty foods. For some individuals, even healthy foods that contain fermentable carbohydrates or “FODMAP foods” such as beans, onions and garlic can cause digestive issues. Whilst a low FODMAP diet is great for initial symptom relief, it’s not a long-term answer, as many healthy foods that form a balanced diet are removed, and can be linked to dysbiosis, as these foods feed our good gut bugs.
When you’re constipated, stool sits in your colon longer than usual, giving bacteria more time to ferment. The result? Excess gas and bloating. Chronic constipation may also be linked to other conditions, such as SIBO or hypothyroidism, so should be investigated. If you increase fibre, water, vegetables and fruit and exercise in your diet and this doesn’t help, looking for the cause is important.
Poor Stomach Acid
If your stomach doesn’t produce enough acid and this often happens as we age, or long term use of medicines that slow or stop stomach acid production, like Proton pump inhibitors (Nexium, Losec). Acid is needed to break down protein in foods we eat. if this doesn’t happen these foods take longer to move and can ferment as they pass, largely undigested causing bloating and excess gas.
Gastroparesis is a condition in which the stomach can’t empty food at a normal pace, and bloating is a common symptom. It’s most common in those with poorly managed diabetes, connective tissue disorders like scleroderma, autoimmune conditions, eating disorders, or those who have undergone surgery of the upper intestinal tract resulting in vagal nerve damage. This slow transit time may also cause the fermentation for food.
Other Reasons for Bloating
Swallowing air
Some people swallow a lot of air as they eat, breath and talk, if you are a mouth breather you might swallow air that gets trapped in your digestive tract instead of your lungs this air will bloat you until it comes out as either a burp or eventually out the other end as a F@rt !
Women often feel bloated during the week before or during their period and during menopause as the balance and fluctuation of hormones can cause fluid retention and effect the digestive tract.
I hope this has been useful and answered your question of how much bloating is normal? If you are having issues with excessive and uncomfortable bloating, please book an appointment or a free 15 minute discovery call to discuss how I can help. You don’t have to suffer from painful bloating!